Monday, 1 August 2011

Sexy Elly - very popular girl from Veitnam

People say that Elly is the hottest girl from Vietnam.I haven’t seen a lot of Vietnamese girls, but I must admit that Elly is very cute.

Full name: Elly Tran Ha
Nationality: Vietnamese
Birthday: 06-08-1993
Heigth: 168cm
Weigth: 47kg

Elly Tran Ha is a Vietnamese model who decided that showing pictures of herself and her “distinct neckline” might help the internet readership of her blog… the blog that no one seems to be able to find. She was right, as she’s now gained a surprise following on the interwebs and a network of eager picture-sharers to give her some free publicity. Even with her sudden fame, most people outside of Vietnam don’t know the slightest thing about her. Does the mystery surrounding Elly Tran Ha make people more curious? Sadly, yes.
A woman like Elly Tran Ha could no doubt increase tourism rates in Vietnam for those men who find her attractive, but depending on who you talk to, she could be as old as 26 or as young as 16! Like some women out there, maybe this means that Elly Tran Ha is sometimes prone to lying about her age, or maybe this means that she sits alone atop the Celebrity Jailbait Throne that was most recently occupied by those notorious Olsen Twins. Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, her blood type is A.
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